Thoughtexchange 2.0: Facilities and Bond Issue Communications

Posted on 11/18/2019
Please provide your input on Bond Issue Communications

Thanks so much to the 850+ Francis Howell stakeholders who provided feedback on the first Thoughtexchange about FHSD facilities and a bond issue; the results are now available on
the District website.

Our next Thoughtexchange is a follow-up to the first. “In the initial Thoughtexchange question about facilities and a bond issue, one of the most frequent reoccurring themes was around communication with the larger community. What are your ideas about how to share our pressing facility needs with District stakeholders and help them to understand a no tax rate increase bond issue?” Please visit the FHSD Thoughtexchange to provide your input.

We are asking our community members to respond to this one open-ended question, consider and assign stars to some of the ideas shared by others, and learn what's important to our stakeholders.

Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you'd like to participate, and we ask that you do come back to star the new ideas shared since you first participated. The ratings will help us understand the most important areas to focus on as we address our facility issues and how to pay for them.

For more information about District facilities and the bond issue, please visit the District’s Facilities/Bond Issue webpage. Thank you in advance for your help and input!

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